I was always bullied throughout elementary, middle and high school because I was one of the "short" kids. I was never able to handle it very well and had to transfer to a private school after my sophomore year in high school. Although, the bullying didn't stop when I transferred, but the subject changed. Instead of being bullied for my height I was bullied for the fact that I have a "bump" in the middle of my chest. It infuriated me to the point of almost hitting one of the bullies. Instead I went and learned how to meditate and learned to control my anger in a productive way. I also learned how to laugh at myself. My advice to anyone who is getting made fun of for something physical like their height or some physical "defect" is to learn how to laugh at yourself and to let the insults just slide off and not get to you in a personal way.
-G.D. Heller
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